I said I would post about Michael’s (my son ) engagement party so here it is, the weather that day was bad and I talked to my daughter who was already in Ocean City and she said the sun was shining and was beautiful out. How can a two hour drive make such a difference? It did though!
This is my son and future DIL they will be married June 21, 2013 back here in Pa. a beautiful couple don’t you think?

Here is what it looked like that day but hey, we still had fun anyways:)As you can see the bay is rough and the wind was too.

We ate here and it’s the only little bar around, see the bench and planter there? Well across from that is this…

I did it in black and white so that I could frame it. Found a frame at the fleamarket for $1.00 and I have to paint it yet, it’s going to be so neat when I’m finished with it!

Here I am with my three son’s, Nick and Chris are to the left of me and Michael is to the right. So chilly and rainy, windy that day, we had to go by outwear because none of us had any with us except Chris!

Finally we just had to move everything to Michael’s home.
The cutest there were these twins, Ava and Sydney, they look just like Michael’s friend, Holt’s, a highschool friend who came all the way from New Jersey.

You can tell from these pictures how rainy it was, this is Annapolis ( harbor ), love it here! Love all the little shops.

All the old houses are so neat to look at.

Love the doorknocker and the pineapple and look at the pink mail slot on the right!

This cottage is in Michael’s neighborhood, for sale, wouldn’t you love to fix it up? I love how they did the roof on the porch, I’d paint it a neat color plus the door too.lol I suggested we buy it to Stush but he wasn’t interested. boo!
I can dream though, right?