Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Hi Everyone!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
My Door For Fall

Sunday, October 11, 2015
Fall Vignettes
Saturday, October 3, 2015
A Little Bit of Fall
Monday, September 28, 2015
Hello Everyone!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Fall Love!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
What I’ve been Up To and My New Ride!
Monday, July 20, 2015
Happy Monday!
How is everyone today? Our rain here has finally stopped and we are having 90 degree weather and
sun, so everyone is in a better mood it seems!
I wanted to show you how my flowers have progressed, the picture below shows when I just planted
the window box this spring,
here it is now! Whoa!
The butterflies love them!
Remember my hydrangea that I bought with my fingers crossed?
This is what it looked like after I had cleared all the dead leaves
off of it!
I about fainted one day when I noticed this bloom, boy, would my mom
and dad be proud, both had green thumbs!
I have know idea what this is, coleus I think, looks cute in my blue
rusty watering can!
Now on to some things I have found!
I finally found a pom pom throw that didn’t cost an arm and leg, I found
this at Target online. It’s so soft!
These croquet balls caught my eye at the antique fair this past May! I’d love
to find more!
I’m thinking on painting this wash stand a light gray or white, will see what happens!
I’m so glad to be back blogging again and so happy many of you supported me also!
Love you all!
I’ll be back soon!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
My Laptop Died
how great my family was at the time and how well the nurses on my floor took care of me. Also
just thankful for being alive, it was touch and go there for a while that night! I'd like to say also
that if I hadn't stopped smoking over two years ago I know in my heart that I wouldn't have made it!
My laptop was old with windows 7 and not being computer savvy I didn't want to go on to windows
8...scared to death but here I am now with windows 8 and soon it will be windows 10!!! On my old
laptop it would get so hot you couldn't touch it an then would shut down without any warning,
it did it once while I was writing a post and it was all gone so I decided to wait, my son had my new
Now I can't load my pictures from my iphone or camera, my son is coming for dinner tonight so maybe tomorrow I'll get back in the swing of things after he shows me how!
Here are two oldie but goodies, I don't like to post without pictures, for you!
This bench I found at a yardsale for $15.00, Michael was home this past weekend, he is putting his
cottage by the bay up for sale and I gave him this to put in his mudroom.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Happy 4th of July
Happy 4th to you friends! I hope your having fun with your family and friends!
I pinky promise to be back soon♥