Hello blogging buds! Sorry I’ve been away for a while, just been busy working more days than I usually do plus parties and yes, still decorating but I’m pretty sure I’m done with that!
I wanted to show you some pics where I added a little bit more, things I found after I thought I was done decorating, have you ever did that? Digging thur boxes and finding things that you bought at the after Christmas sales? I had bought these sparkly sprigs at Macy’s (for a dollar each) and forgot all about them, love how they look!

On some blogs I would see such cute Kitchen Santa’s and knew if I saw one I’d buy him, Macy’s didn’t have any but K-Mart did, isn’t he neat, I love the cupcakes he is holding. I added some greenery to my Roo lamp made it look a little more festive I think!

Here is a closer look at him, love his little, black boots♥
This is one of the my favorite parts of my “new” kitchen, it really makes a statement, everyone comments on it!

I had to decorate it up for Christmas, I went with red and silver this year!
This is in the room off the kitchen, each Christmas I bring out this little tree, it leans a little and I always feel it was sort of like me then, broken but still standing, it was the only tree I had that year all I had was in storage! I lived with my sister for about nine months. A hard year for me, I lost my best friend, my mom, left someone, which was a good thing, let me just say a very bleak year! Good things happened too though, Sydney was born and the following year I met Stush. BTW my walls are not that color at all, hate that it looks like mustard!
The white Dove ornament my mom had bought me!
The vintage bank Santa was given to my youngest when he was about three years old, we were at the fleamarket and a vendor just up and gave it to him with the pennies in it, Chris is now 31 years old but I always bring him out too!
Sitting on my Hoosier, S&P shakers, love them but don’t have room for them but at Christmas time I do buy them, I have three sets so I guess that’s a collection right?
I bought this wreath last year but can never find a place for it, so for now it hangs on the chair!
I added another swag to my mantel and bought it at Michael’s for half off, it brightened it up more and that’s what I was going for!
Each year I buy an ornament/ornaments and this year I found this swan at Macy’s she looks like she’s made of glass but she’s not but sparkles just the same!

My entryway done in holly!
My kitchen…I still sigh over it and smile, amazing what paint can do isn’t it? Just can’t wait till the counters come in………and a new light. Next we will paint the ceiling fans black and all the gold on it will become nickel. I’m thinking on those school light fixtures for it too.
Here is the one side that is done.
Santa mugs waiting for the grandchildren and I did get myself and others the peppermint handsoap and the silver cover for it at Bath and Body Works, smells so good!
I’ll leave you with this photo of my diningroom, I wrapped gifts last night while Stush and Chris watched the Steeler game!
Thank you all for stopping by I love having you, you are all such a part of my life in the blogging world! I so enjoy stopping by your blogs and seeing what you are up to and I hope you feel the same way! This will probably be my last post before Christmas so I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year, this Christmas may you have laughs, hugs and kisses from your family and friends, so here is a great big hug to YOU!
Please leave a comment so that I know you have been visiting, I love to read each and everyone of them!
I’ll be partying with these great hosts:
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Amaze Me Monday at Dittle Dattle
Tuesdays Treasures at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thur Life
Knick of Time Tuesday at Knick of Time